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At OzPets we respect the privacy of you and your pet. We will not wilfully disclose any personal information regarding our users without first obtaining their permission, unless required by law. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices of personal and non-personal information we collect when you visit our site.

By using our web site, you consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined in this policy and to our Terms and Conditions of Use.

Our site is directed to adults and children over the age of 12. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children 12 and under.

Public Forums
This site makes chat rooms, forums, and message boards available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.

OzPets uses cookies to deliver content specific information to you when you visit our site. OzPets does not use cookies or any other method for personally identifying users.

You are advised, however, that other companies which advertise on our site may collect information from you if you click on their advertisements or access their sites. They may do this by using cookies. OzPets has no control over this collection of information.

It is possible for you to change the settings of your browser to refuse all cookies or to notify you each time a cookie is sent to your computer, giving you the choice whether to accept it or not. Please refer to your individual browser help files for instructions on cookie settings.

Collection of information
The OzPets site records information about your use of the site, but does not record any personal information. Whenever a page is requested from our web server, we record the search terms entered, time, date and URL of the request, along with information on the browser software that is being used. This information is used to analyse the way in which people utilise our site, enabling us to improve our services and is not used in any way to uniquely identify a customer.

Visitors may also choose to sign up for our newsletter or other services. The contact information gathered here is used to send special promotions and newsletters to our visitors. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings.

We receive and reply to email from users on a regular basis. For record-keeping purposes we retain copies of all incoming and outgoing email. Information in the email we receive or send will not be disclosed to any third party without the permission of the sender, either express or implied, unless required by law.

External Sites
This site contains links to other sites. OzPets is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

This Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time.

Last Update: 21/03/07 15:21 Views: 3740

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories