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Cimarron Black Kazzak "Boris" 14 months 52 kg

The Black Russian Terrier was developed by Soviet Geneticists at the end of World War 2 as a Service Dog used to guard military installations and borders, in recent times they have worked in Afghanistan and Bosnia as Sentry Dogs, Mine Detector Dogs, they have transported ammunition and food and have been used to locate wounded soldiers. This dog has also worked as a farm dog pulling sledges and carts, protecting livestock.

The dogs were continually refined by very careful selection for temperament and structure finally producing the modern BRT.

This modern dog retains all of the characteristics he was bred for but now has a temperament more suitable as a companion in an environment other than that of strictly a working dog.

He is much sort after as a Home Companion, Show Dog, Obedience Trials Dog or Security Dog.

Appearance - Temperament
The BRT is a large powerful impressive dog, very alert, adapts easily to new situations, he is not dog aggressive or does he provoke a fight but will be more than ready to stand his ground if necessary.

This breed can be reserved towards strangers and require socialising as puppies. With his master and family he is affectionate and gentle. The BRT is not a breed to be confined to a kennel all day but does well in a family environment.

As puppies BRTs are very playful and keen to learn they gentle and will react negatively if the trainer uses harsh or forceful methods, patience is required, they are slow to mature, as with most large breeds, they require moderate exercise.

Breed Description
The general description is of a striking almost square well proportioned dog with massive bones and muscles.

Height for Males 66 -72 cm to shoulder Weight 45 - 60 kg.
Height for Females 64 - 70 cm to shoulder Weight 38 - 50 kg

The Head is long and brick shaped. Eyebrows are long. Beard emphasizes length of head. Bite is scissor. Ears are small triangular and held high. Eyes are dark and oval shaped. Neck is strong and dry. Back is straight broad and well muscled. Tail is docked to third joint, it is held upright - and constantly wags!! Chest is deep with well-sprung ribs. Coat consists of a wooly undercoat and hard guard hairs. Colour is always black with some white hairs evident in the coat.

BRT should be brushed weekly to remove any loose coat. If regularly brushed this breed will hardly leave any hair in your home. The coat will need to be clipped 3 - 4 times each year.

BRTs are suitable for experience dog owners or people prepared to train their dogs, which is an essential requirement for this breed.

Rod Maruff

Last Update: 27/03/07 16:29 Views: 4151

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